Blogging is still a profitable online career. Many people are trying to start blogging and want to earn money online. 

But most of them failed. Why? Because they do not start blogging on a less competitive niche. So, before beginning blogging, you must choose a micro-niche.

What does micro-niche mean? The micro-niche is a small plot of a big area. For instance, rose cultivation in gardening. Here, rose cultivation is a niche of gardening. If we are starting blogging on rose diseases, call it a micro-niche. 

So, you are getting less competition from this niche as you mostly write a blog on gardening or rose cultivation. 

You can start a building audience with a rose plant disease, but you will expand your micro-niche to a niche after making a vast audience. 


10 unique but profitable blogging niches in 2022.

Here I have listed 10 unique but profitable niche trends in 2022. You can choose anyone you are interested in and have some basic knowledge or expertise.

01. Online Businesses :

In the COVID-19 environment, all people are restricted from going outside the home and want to buy only; therefore, online line selling has increased daily. As a result, almost all products and services are available online now.

So, if you started blogging about how to start an online business and teach the youth who passed out recently, your blogging journey might be successful.

02. Video Making and Photography :

The video production is a profitable niche as Youtube video is one of the best ways to make money online.

So, if you are writing a blog on video production and photo shooting, your blog will make money. You can recommend the photography and video-making equipment in your blogs and sell these products as an Amazon Affiliate and earn money as a commission.  

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